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Joanne Turnbull

I was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and retired as Executive Director Emerita of the National Patient Safety Foundation. Prior to that, I was a senior healthcare administrator, professor at several universities, and a clinical social worker. After retiring, I got my MFA in creative writing and now help people create spiritual legacies. Volunteer positions include serving on the board of Temple Beth-El, chairing TBE’s Transition, as well as a year as Vice President. I also served on the board of Bet Ha’am, my temple in Maine.


Occupation:  Writer, Clinical Social Worker, Professor (ret.), Administrator (ret.)

Birthplace:  Pittsburgh, PA

Spouse Name: NA

Child(ren) Name(s): Jennifer Pringle, Amanda Malo, Megan Carlin, Andrew Hesselbart

Why have you chosen to serve on our JFED board?

 I am committed to our community and hope to use my skills to strengthen and move it forward.